We’re pleased to announce the launch of our latest upgrade, our online bus tracker, where you can see the progress of your ride in real time, view the bus’s current location, track unexpected delays, and more.

Watch The Bus Tracker Tool In Action
The Bus Tracker Allows For Real Time Updates & Alerts
Just take a look at the screenshot below. Once you find your route and bus, the bus tracker will show your bus’s progress as it passes through towns and makes pick-up and drop-off stops in other destinations. Plus, if you tap on the yellow “Alerts” button it will let you know if there is an accident or slowdown somewhere on your bus’s route.

Watch Your Bus On The Map
Another great feature that the bus tracker possesses is the ability to not only let you know where your bus is, but to actually show you on a digital map. All you have to do is tap on the “See Map” button and the tracker will display your entire route from start to finish including stops along the way. You can zoom in and see exactly where your bus is on the road.

Always Looking Ahead
Over our decades of business and operation, Northwestern Stage Lines has continued to upgrade our technology to ensure the best possible experience for our riders. Our bus tracker is one more step along that ongoing journey, and we look forward to offering you even more great perks in the coming year, and beyond!
Visit northwesternstagelines.com/track to check out and use this new feature.